Utilizing business resources can help a company achieve its goals and objectives more effectively and efficiently. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as optimizing the allocation of assets, streamlining processes, and implementing cost-saving measures. The Orange County Chamber of Commerce only shares information with its members that is received through credible sources. Information derived from the provided links on this page has not been created by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce. Effective resource management can also help a company respond more quickly to changes in the market and stay competitive. Overall, using business resources, and especially those found here, is essential for the success and growth of any company.
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“When consumers know a business is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 44% more likely to think favorably of it & 63% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company.” Research Study Conducted by The Shapiro Group
Data Deep Dive: Upskilling and Reskilling Our Workforce
The United States is facing a labor shortage. There are too many open jobs and not enough workers to fill them.
Fill Me In: Since 2002, the labor force has experienced varied levels of unemployment, markedly worse during times of economic distress. However, the higher the level of education a person has achieved, the less likely they are to be unemployed. This remained true during the pandemic.
Looking ahead: Employers can consider reskilling or upskilling any person in their workforce despite experience, age, or education level. Workers in higher risk jobs like those in the service industries are the most inclined to reskill, but even those in historically safe jobs, like law, social work, and health care, are willing to reskill or upskill.
Learn more: For a deep dive into worker skills, current workforce needs, and the skills that need to be developed for the country to remain competitive in the future, click here.
Why Certify Your Business As a Minority And Women-Owned Business Enterprise?
Once certified, the benefits to you include being listed in the “Directory of Certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises” which is used by:
- New York State Agencies
- Public Authorities
- Federal Agencies
- Corporations
These organizations use the directory when purchasing commodities and services.This means more opportunities for your business!
Who is eligible to be certified?
- Firm must be at least 51% owner, operated and controlled by minority members and/or women who must exercise the authority to independently control day-to-day business decisions.
- Each minority member or women upon whom certification is based must have a net worth of less than 3.5 million.
- The business cannot exceed 300 employees and must be independent and authorized to do business in New York State.
Additional Online Resources
For Certification Assistance or questions contact
Heather Bell at @orangeny.com or call 845-294-1700
MWBE Certification:
NYS Contract System:
SBA’s Women’s Business Center:
SCORE – Counselors to America’s Small Businesses:
www.orangenyscore.com (Local Chapter at the Chamber)
NYS Small Business Development Center: