Toys shared with agency clients in need through Christmas giving programs
NEWBURGH – Mount Saint Mary College’s Campus Ministry program collected 1,092 toys during their annual Giving Tree toy drive. The toys, donated by MSMC students, staff, and faculty, were presented to Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster. Working in conjunction with Catholic Charities social workers and case managers, the toys were distributed to children in need throughout the agency’s three-county service area.
“Christmas will be merrier for hundreds of children and families in our community thanks to this incredible outpouring of support from the Mount Saint Mary College community,” said Hector Morell, Director of Social and Human Services, Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties. “For families that are struggling to make ends meet, this generosity is a true blessing.”
For a decade, the Campus Ministry program at Mount Saint Mary College has been coordinating an annual Giving Tree toy drive in conjunction with Catholic Charities. Participants from the college select a tag from the Christmas tree with a gift suggestion and then purchase the item to donate to Catholic Charities. The non-profit agency’s staff identifies families in need of all religions and arranges distribution of the toys in time for Christmas.
Fr. Gregoire Fluet, PhD, Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry at Mount Saint Mary College, and Melody Sarno, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry, as well as student volunteers from the Campus Ministry Program delivered the donated toys to Catholic Charities before the students left for Christmas break.
Throughout the Christmas season, Catholic Charities hosts a number of collections in order to help friends and neighbors in its three-county service area of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster. In addition to the toy drive, throughout the year Catholic Charities participates in drives for coats and hygiene items, an adopt-a-family program, and giving trees at multiple parish locations.
PHOTO: Students from Mount Saint Mary College’s campus ministry program delivered nearly 2,000 toys to Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster. The toys were donated by students, staff, and faculty and were distributed to children in need throughout Catholic Charities’ service area. Pictured with student volunteers are Melody Sarno (second from left), Assistant Director of Campus Ministry, and Fr. Fluet (right), Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry.
Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster, as one of the human service agencies of Catholic Charities of The Archdiocese of New York, is committed to building a compassionate and just society. Catholic Charities serves the homeless, the hungry, the emotionally and physically handicapped, as well as immigrants, and the marginalized and vulnerable of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties. Catholic Charities collaborates with parishes, Catholic, and non-Catholic partners alike to help people of all religions who are in need. For more information or to make a donation online, visit