In 2012, when Harriman’s Jermaine Paul appeared on Season 2 of NBC-TV’s “The Voice” – eventually winning it all — whenever he was asked “Where are you from?” he answered, “Orange County, New York.”
When Orange County residents get the same question, the response tends to be, “I’m from Newburgh” or “Goshen” or “Warwick” and so it goes. Jermaine gets it….and we need to get it as well.
It’s known as “Pride of Place.” A new Orange Chamber initiative called “Made in Orange” will celebrate this idea, promoting locally created goods, providing industry-specific promotion of the businesses that make these products and supporting widespread identification of Orange County as its own community, rather than a town-centric entity.
The Chamber Board of Directors has unanimously endorsed this concept and the ball is rolling. A huge part of the “Made in Orange” initiative will be creation of target membership hubs. These will include: agriculture; wineries, breweries, distilleries; traditional manufacturing; artisan manufacturing; art; historical; building; and “as many more as we can think of,” said Chamber President Lynn Allen Cione.
Cione continued, “‛Made in Orange’ spotlights businesses which create or produce locally, and whose products are sold locally, regionally, nationally and globally.” One great recent example of a product putting OUR Orange County on the map – and a brush with Pride of Place — was Pollich Tallix’s production of the Oscar statuette for this year’s Academy Award winners.
The “Made in Orange” initiative will not exist in a vacuum. It will support the efforts of many departments of the County of Orange including the County Executive, Orange County Tourism, Foreign Trade Zone, Department of Planning, Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board and more.
“The work of organizations devoted to economic development will be supported as well,” Cione added. “The Orange County Partnership, Industrial Development Agency, Council of Industry and numerous trade associations stand to benefit from ‘Made in Orange.’”
Because the Chamber is a membership organization, “Made in Orange” must, of course, enhance services for members. “It is our hope that membership will grow through targeted campaigns,” said Cione, “and that the needs of members will be addressed more effectively with services specifically geared toward their unique needs.” “Made in Orange” will allow the Chamber to provide industry-specific promotion, assistance and programming that will significantly increase the value of membership. “A strong membership, of course, creates a more dynamic organization that in turn will be able to advocate more effectively on behalf of the entire business community,” Cione explained.
The trickle-down effects of a successful “Made in Orange” initiative are substantial. In addition to spotlighting businesses that are creating products that are sold across the street as well as around the globe, “Made in Orange” promotes businesses that play a key role in regional economic development, but are often overlooked. “Made in Orange” will encourage local entrepreneurship and create awareness of our manufacturing capabilities for further growth and attract consumers to those businesses.
In order to qualify for “Made in Orange,” a business must be located in Orange County. It must grow, make, assemble and sell a tangible consumer product. The product must be available as a standalone product and, last but not least, the business must be a member of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce.
A “Made in Orange” certificate will be issued to all participants, as will a trademarked logo decal. “Made in Orange” businesses will be spotlighted on the Chamber website, social media platforms, media outlets and public outreach. A special section will be created in this publication to highlight these businesses. All will be encouraged to use the #MadeinOrange hashtag.
It is our hope that “Made in Orange” will lead to that great feeling of “Pride of Place” that Orange County so richly deserves.