Author Archives: occhamberadmin

How Companies Should Approach the Re-brand Process

By Andrew Ciccone Re-branding a company involves many nuanced decisions, and it isn’t always clear when a re-brand is necessary. A marketer may wonder if his or her company should commit to a re-brand or if there’s a simpler fix available. Pacing is also an issue, and there’s always the risk of alienating your current […]

Hiring Summer Help

The following article was provided by Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell, LLP, CPAs Do you remember your first summer job?  It doesn’t matter if you were a babysitter, caddy, telemarketer or lifeguard. Your first job taught valuable lessons about responsibility and balancing work with family and friends. It also helped keep you out of trouble […]

How IT Outsourcing Has Changed the Role of the CFOs

The following article was provided by Independent Telecommunications Corp. Independent Telecommunications Corporation, a leading provider of unified communications, is launching an educational campaign for CFOs at rapid-growth organizations. The industry of IT management has shifted dramatically, due in large to the huge influx of sophisticated managed IT service providers. As a result, a very high […]

Is Your Business Prepared for the Security Threats of 2016?

By Debbie Bogdanski Every year, security analysts put on their thinking caps, study trends and predict what the big security threats for the coming year will be. Understanding these threats and how to mitigate the risks is key to your business’ success. With that in mind, here are the top predictions from Intel with our […]